Our Regenerative farm follows the natural cycles of nature. We cull/process beef in spring and fall following the natural growth of our cattle. We raise our meat poultry from spring to fall to utilize our pastures, raising them outside in fresh air and sunshine. In the winter months, our land rests, hopefully under a blanket of snow. Farming in high desert land presents a challenge with water use and pasture growth. That is where our animals help us. Using an intensive rotational grazing system, moving cattle and chicken daily allows for proven pasture growth and healthy soil. The more biomass and nutrients we can give to the soil, the less water we need to maintain a healthy pasture system. Checking for root depth and worms in the soil gives us a great indication of how our program is working too. This method provides all the inputs required to improve our soils. We also compost everything on our farm, spreading it into areas that need more help and on our garden and orchards. Nothing goes to waste in this system. Using all the tools nature provides us is creating a beautiful little farm filled with happy people and animals. We are blessed!