COTTON CATTLE COMPANY IS A HOLISTICALLY MANAGED FARMING OPERATION DEDICATED TO THE PRODUCTION OF GRASS-FED AND PASTURE-RAISED MEATS FOR THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. Located at River Valley Farm in Hunterdon County, NJ, in the heart of the scenic Musconetcong River Valley, the farm is comprised of more than 230 contiguous acres of rolling pastures and woodlots. Owned and operated by fourth and fifth generation area residents, the farm lies within the New Jersey Highlands Region, which is a landscape of national importance as determined by the U.S. Forest Service. At Cotton Cattle Company we exceed “organic” and “natural” standards by managing our farm in a holistic manner that works symbiotically with the land and the laws of Mother Nature. We practice rotational grazing, riparian buffering and conservation mowing to enhance the fertility of our soils and quality of our water. Our meats are free of antibiotics, artificial hormones and animal byproducts to provide a healthy and tasteful eating experience for our customers. The breeds of livestock are meticulously researched and selected by our farm manager to ensure a proper fit for pasture-based farming. The benefits of raising grassfed beef are significant, as an animal’s diet has a profound effect on the nutrient content of the end product. Grassfed beef contains much lower total fat content than grainfed products and, as a result, is lower in fat and has fewer calories. While grassfed meat is low in “bad” fat – including saturated fat – it offers two to six times more “good” fat, also known as “omega-3 fatty acids.”

10 Cornfield Ln, Asbury,08802,New Jersey