The Sigel family began ranching in the Centennial Valley’s Hecht Creek Ranch 15 years ago. Working through cattle production scenarios, Ed Sigel realized there was ‘a better way’ to produce high quality beef at high altitude despite a fierce winter environment. In 2014, his family and a couple of neighbors started a herd of Scottish Highland and Scottish Galloway cattle, animals recognized for generations as producing the most tender and flavorful grass finished beef available – all in an environment suited to their well being, allowing them to ‘age on the hoof’. This beef is incredibly flavorful and nutritious. Winter, spring, summer fall – our cattle graze across our meadows on a variety of native high altitude grass or are fed high quality hay / alfalfa over the winter. They are not contained in a pen, they are not fed corn. We believe in rotational grazing. We manage our land with the intention to be responsible stewards of the land; promote diversity through ecologically sound practices; and to raise food with integrity. Our land and animals are raised and nurtured in calculated harmony with the soil, weather, and natural agricultural life-cycles. We channel the spring snow melt water to promote the early grass and use a stream irrigation system to water the meadows into the late fall.