**WHY CHOOSE US**Grass-fed and finished beef is better for human health as well as cow heath than grain-fed beef in several different ways. In a recent study, grass-fed beef is lower in total fat; higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, the B vitamins thiamin and riboflaven; higher in the calcium, magnesium and potassium as well as Omego-3. It’s also lower in the saturated fats linked with heart disease. **WHY WE ARE DIFFERENT**Raising animals on pasture for its’ entire life requires more knowledge and skill than sending them to a feedlot. For example, in order for grass-fed beef to be succulent and tender, the cattle need to forage on high quality grasses, legumes and forbs. Providing this nutritious and natural diet requires healthy soil and careful pasture management so that the plants are maintained at an optimal stage of growth. High-quality pasture and hay is the key to high-quality animal product. So at Brinkman’s Farm, we practice pasture rotation. Cows move from one pasture (paddock) to another every day or two. This helps each paddock to recover and begin new growth before the cows are returned to this particular paddock. We grow and purchase locally grown high-quality hay for winter feeding. Grass-finished beef is usually more flavorful and tender because of the low-stress, pasture-fed program. By comparison, grain-fed cows are typically ready for market in one year; we raise ours exclusively in pasture for two years before sending to market. Picture contented cattle munching on lush pasture, their hair coats slick and shiny and no manure cakes their hide. That’s Brinkman’s Farm! Also on Brinkman’s Farm, we breed our cows the old-fashioned way. We do not practice artificial insemination. Our cows get pregnant by a very handsome bull! Ours is a “generational” farm, meaning we breed and raise all of our cows here in our pastures, so no parasites or diseases can come into our herd from outside sources. **ABOUT US**We purchased our farm almost 23 years ago and our first cow, Billie Jo in 2005 (our little girl passed away in January, 2022) and what an experience it has been! Since neither of us were raised on a farm, we have had to learn farming language, how to drive a tractor, buy seed, bale hay, walk among 1200 pound animals and so much more. We have studied, listened and learned farming practices that fit us best. We also believe that we have been entrusted to be good stewards of our herd and land as long as we are here. We’ve come a long way from being simple city folks to hobby farmers! We, Ellen and Tony, the owners of Brinkman’s Farm, are always striving to maintain the best practices on our 110-acre farm. We continue to broaden our knowledge by attending seminars, reading articles and talking with other experienced farmers. Each year that we have been “in the country” we have grown in farm skills, maintained our pasture, built buildings and acquired equipment so that we may be more efficient while giving the best to our herd. We are currently in the process of adding another 20 acres in pasture and hay!

2200 S 625 E, Selma,47383,Indiana