By Mark McAfee, CEO of Raw Farm

As migratory waterfowl make their way back south for winter, the Bird Flu buzz has become the most recent, and frankly unprecedented, mechanism to attack raw milk.
However, as a pioneer of a thriving raw milk brand in California who has seen it all over the last 25 years while battling entrenched government institutions, it’s just more of the same: BIG LIES, really bad science, and profits over people.
Big Lies
“There is no evidence that raw milk has health benefits.”
This is absolutely UNTRUE.

There are huge studies performed in Europe showing that thousands of kids (studied over many years) who drink raw milk have much lower incidences of asthma, fever, ear infections, colds, and flu.
About Raw Milk — Raw Milk Institute: A 2021 Cornell University study funded by the National Dairy Council described the many bioactives found only in raw milk. These bioactives:
- Reduce inflammation
- Are anti-viral and anti-bacterial
- Strongly boost the immune system
- Promote heart and circulatory health
- Remineralize bones and teeth
All these benefits are lost with processing.
FACT: Raw milk is a powerful health food that is completely different from pasteurized milk. It’s the first food for mammalian life! It creates an immune system and gut microbiome that did not exist before birth.
The FDA reports that pasteurized milk is among the most allergenic food in the American food chain. Raw milk, on the other hand, is very non-allergenic.
“Bird Flu is a source of human illness from raw milk.”
There are NO reported cases of raw milk consumption causing human illness related to bird flu (or any virus). None.
In May 2024, hundreds of consumers drank raw milk from a Midwest dairy with HPAI cows, and no illnesses were reported. The LA Times investigated and found no complaints or illnesses. A GAO Whistleblower complaint was filed, but the FDA refused to investigate.
During COVID, the FDA, WHO, CDC, and NIH advised nursing mothers with active COVID to continue nursing, as antibodies protected their babies. SARS, COVID, and HPAI H5N1 are all influenzas and behave similarly in raw milk. Breast milk and cow’s raw milk are qualitatively identical (Dallas IMGC, Cork, Ireland 2023).
An AI meta-analysis by ChatGPT confirms that no person has ever been made ill by raw milk containing H5N1 or HPAI.
PCR Testing for HPAI or H5N1
PCR tests detect dead genetic material, not live viruses. New research shows that cows infected by bird flu do not shed viable virus after 12 days, but non-viable virus particles can remain for weeks or months. These particles cannot cause illness, but PCR picks them up, leading to bad data (Baker Nature, Oct 15, 2024).
USDA’s Dairy HPAI Support
The USDA offers huge economic incentives to dairies with HPAI-positive herds, based on PCR results. Dairies get paid the same for HPAI milk as non-HPAI milk. Payments stop when the herd becomes negative. For a 3,000-cow dairy, this can mean $1.2 million per month.
Dairies are encouraged to stay HPAI-positive by introducing uninfected cows to prolong the status. This misuse of science harms the industry and the public.
Note: The Navy SEALs in San Diego stopped using PCR for water testing due to its inaccuracies. Culture confirmation is a better tool, but the USDA and FDA refuse to use it.

Raw Farm’s Safety Measures
Raw Farm tests all raw milk in an On-Farm Pathogen Lab with two full-time microbiologists. Using Thermo-Fisher technology, pathogen data is available in 20 hours, ensuring all milk is pathogen-free before distribution.
“They may have the guns and the money, but we have the truth and the moms.”
Shake Your Rancher’s Hand
Big Dairy’s got the money, but you’ve got the truth – and Raw Farm USA is leading the way. Support Mark McAfee and taste the difference with raw milk:

This piece is brought to you in part by the Weston A. Price Foundation and, champions of traditional diets and nutrient-dense foods. Discover the benefits of raw milk by requesting a free info pack: