The Value of Truth in the Land of the Free

The Value of Truth in the Land of the Free

In Washington, D.C., under the shadow of the Capitol dome, Texas Slim stood with a silver dollar in his hand. The coin caught the morning light, its edges glinting as he turned it over in his fingers. This wasn’t just any dollar—it was a piece of “hard money,” a...
Simple: A Path Back to the Land

Simple: A Path Back to the Land

For a girl who once was. The Journey of a Lifetime High in the heavens, the chemistry of our world and life combine—racing around and slamming into each other, forming images, reflections, chaos, peace, and destruction. Chemicals and inertia combine to create our life...
God Made a Farmer

God Made a Farmer

On the eighth day, God looked down on His “Planned Paradise” and said, I need a caretaker. So God made a farmer. God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town...